Всероссийский Институт Растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова

ГНУ Всероссийский Научно-Исследовательский Институт им. Н.И. Вавилова Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук

Pisarev, V.E. (1883-1972) Russian agronomist, crop breeder and geographer; founder of Tulun Experiment Station; from 1921 scientific expert of the Department of Applied Botany; from 1925 Deputy Director of Vavilov;
Regel, R.E. (1867-1920) Russian botanist, 1905-1920 was the Head of Bureau of Applied Botany;
Sinskaya, E.N. (1889-1965) Russian agronomist, botanist and geographer. In 1921 she started her work at the Department of Applied Botany;
Sizov, I.A. (1900-1968) Russian plant breeder, head of the VIR's Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, in 1961-1962 was Director of VIR;
Stoletova, E.A. (1889-1964) Russian agronomist and plant breeder. In 1918 she started working at the Department of Applied Botany;
Trofimovskaya, A.Y. (1903-1991) Russian plant scientist, expert in barley. From 1940 she was a docroral student and then researcher of VIR, later was in charge of the Department of Cereals of VIR;
Udachin, R.A. Russian agronomist and botanist, expert in wheat; was a researcher at VIR;
Voronov, Y.N. (1874-1931) Russian geobotanist and taxonomist, expert in subtropical plant diversity. In 1918-1921 was the director of Tiflis Botanical Gardens. In 1925 became a research scientist of the Institute of Applied Botany;
Voskresenskaya, O.A. (1904-1949) Russian agronomist, expert in potato; from 1930 was a researcher at VIR;
Vulf, E.V. (1885-1941) Один из крупнейших, наиболее образованных и разносторонне одаренных ботаников нашей страны, внесших неоценимый вклад в развитие ботаники и теоретических основ растениеводства.
Yakushevsky, E.S. (1902-1989) Russian plant scientist and breeder; worked at VIR;
Zhukovsky, P.M. (1888-1975) Russian botanist, Academican of VASKhNIL; in 1915-1925 worked at Tiflis Botanical Gardens; from 1925 was a research scientist of the Institute of Applied Botany; in 1951-1965 was appointed Director of VIR.
Ivanov, A.I. (1934-1988) Russian agronomist, plant scientist, expert in alfalfa; was Head of the Department of Forage Grasses of VIR;
Ivanov, N.N. (1884-1940) Russian chemist, biochemist and plant physiologist; from 1923 was a professor of Leningrad State University; from 1922 was in charge of the Biochemistry Laboratory of the Department of Applied Botany;
Ivanov, N.R. (1902-1978) Russian plant scientist and plant breeder; from 1926 worked at the institute of Applied Botany, was the Institute's Director during the siege of Leningrad; from 1967 was the Scientific Secretary of the Commission on N.I.Vavilov's Heritage under the USSR Academy of Sciens; Vavilov's prize winner;
Kameraz, A.Y. (1904-1994) Russian agronomist, plant scientist and breeder, expert in potato; from 1927 worked at the Institute of Applied Botany;
Karpechenko, G.D. (1889-1942) Russian cytogeneticist; from 1925 was in charge of the Laboratory of Genetics at the Institute of Applied Botany;
Khoroshaylov, N.G. (1904-1995) Russian agronomist and crop scientist, expert in seed testing and production, from 1932 worked at VIR;
Kichunov, N.I. (1863-1942) Russian horticulturist; from 1921 was a professor and the Head of the Horticular Department at Petrograd Agricultural Institute; from 1922 was employed as a research scientist at the Department of Applied Botany;
Kobylansky, V.D. Russian agronomist, botanist and geneticist, expert in rye; was Head of the Department of Cereals of VIR;
Konarev, V.G. Russian biochemist; Academician of VASKhNIL, Head of the Department of Molecular Biology of VIR;
Kovalev, N.V. (1888-1969)  
Krasochkin, V.T. (1904-1982) Russian agronomist and botanist, expert in beets; from 1926 worked at the Institute of Applied botany;
Krivchenko, V.I. Russian phytopatologist, expert in smut disiases; was Head of the Department of Immunity, in 1987-1991 was Director of VIR;
Kuznetsov, V.A. (1877-1940) Russian botanist; in 1911 started his work with the Bureau; later was appointed Head of the Section of Forage Grasses;
Lekhnovich, V.S. (1902-1989) Russian plant scientist, expert in potato; from 1927 was researcher at the Institute of Applied Botany;
Lemeshev, N.K. (1938-1985) Russian geneticist and botanist, expert in cotton; was head of the department of Oil and Fiber Crops of VIR;
Likhonos, F.D. (1897-1984) Russian plant breeder and fruit-grower; was a researcher in the Department of Fruit Plants at VIR;
Lysenko, T.D. (1898-1976) Russian scientist. In 1934 Lysenko became the Scientific Director of the Odessa Institute and a full member of the Ukrainian Academy of Science. Was a researcher at VIR;
Makasheva, R.H. Russian agronomist and crop scientist, expert in peas; was Head of the Department of Legume Crops of VIR;
Maltsev, A.I. (1879-1948) Russian scientist, expert in weedy plants; worked with the Bureau from 1908; in 1918-1926 was in charge of the Bureau's Steppe Zone Station;
Markovich, V.V. (1865-1942) Russian silviculturist and floriculturist, expert in tropical plants; from 1925 was a scientific expert of the institute of Applied Botany;
Maximov, N.A. (1880-1952) Russian plant physiologist, full member of the USSR Academy of sciences; from 1922 worked at the Department of Applied Botany;
Merezhko, A.F. Russian agronomist and geneticist, expert in wheat; was Head of the department of Wheat of VIR;
Antropova, V.F. (1891-1972) Russian agricultural botanist, crop scientist, expert in rye;
Bakhareva, S.N. Russian agricultural botanist, crop scientist, expert in tropical plants, was Head of the Department of Introduction VIR;
Bakhtyev, F.K. Russian agricultural botanist, crop scientist, expert in barley. Vavilov prize winner;
Barulina, E.I.(1895-1957) Russian agricultural botanist, expert in legumes. Was Vavilov wife.
Batalin, A.F. (1847-1896) Russian botanist, from 1894 was the first Head of Bureau of Applied Botany;
Bazilevskaya, N.A. Russian botanist, taxonomist, crop scientist, expert in oil and ornamental plants; from 1929 worked at the Institute of Applied Botany;
Borodin, I.P. (1847-1930) Russian botanist, professor of St. Petersburg University, 1899-1905 was the Head of Bureau of Applied Botany;
Brezhnev, D.D. (1905-1982) Russian plant scientist and geneticist, expert in tomato; in 1937-1941 was in charge of the Department of Vegetable Crops at VIR; in 1965-1978 took directorship of VIR;
Budin, K.Z. Russian agronomist, crop scientist, expert in potato; Academican of VASKhNIL; was head of Department of Potato VIR;
Bukasov, S.M. (1891-1983) Russian botanist and plant breeder, one of most prominent experts in potato; Academican of VASKhNIL; from 1918 worked at the Department of Applied Botany lather was Head of Potato Department, VIR;
Dorofeev, V.F. (1919-1987) Russian agronomist, botanist, expert in wheat; Academican of VASKhNIL, was Head of the Department of Wheat, in 1978-1987 was the Director of VIR;
Dragavtsev, V.A. Russian agronomist, geneticist; Academican of RASKhN; from 1991 the Director of VIR;
Eihfeld, J.G. (1893-1989) Russian biologist and plant breeder, corresponding member of VASKhNIL; in 1923-1940 was in charge of the Polar Branch of VIR; in 1940-1951 was the Director of VIR;
Enken, V.F. (1900-1981) Russian agronomist, botanist, expert in soya; from 1925 worked at the Institute of Applied Botany;
Famintsin, A.S. (1835-1918) Russian botanist and plant physiologist, Academican of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Flyaksberger, K.A. (1880-1939) Russian botanist, expert in cereal crop taxonomy; from 1907 worked with the Bureau of Applied Botany;
Govorov, L.I. (1885-1941) Russian agronomist and plant breeder; from 1915 worked at Moskow Breeding Station; from 1923 was the Head of the Steppe Station, and later was in charge of the Department of Leguminous Crops at VIR;