The IV annual workshop on
"Documentation problem in the sphere plant genetic researches"
11-12 March 2002, Sankt Petersburg

Data exchange model of EPGRIS
Dag Terje Endresen, (NGB, Sweden)

(In ZIP - 374 Kb; In PDF - 1.17 Mb)

Usage of Information Research System for new entrances in VIR collection (RUS).
Dr. Vera Funtova (VIR, Russia)
Research of Duplets in soft wheat collection VIR (with Chinese accessions test) (RUS).
Valentina Pukkinen (VIR, Russia)
Opportunities of usage Herbarium VIR collection for duplets identification. (RUS)
Irena Chukhina (VIR, Russia)
Report for joint German-Russian project on the comparison of Avena collections conserved in Russia (VIR), Germany (BAZ and IPK) and Nordic Gene Bank (NGB)
Dr. Igor Loskutov
Development of the technology of plant genetic resources identification and passportization based on the protein markers for effective germplasm collection management.
Prof. Alexey Konarev (VIR, Russia)
Creation of multimedia Database with flax collection example
Dr. Nina Brutch (VIR, Russia)
Creation of Information Research System of wheat collection operative control. (RUS)
Svetlana Ravvina (VIR, Russia)

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