Astrakhan experiment station
The Station was opened in 1966 and is situated 14 km from Astrakhan. At this station the collections of rice, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, tomato, alfalfa, forage grasses and ornamental plants are studied. In particular, the station performs biochemical assessment of accessions and analyses of tomato physiology under saline soil conditions.
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Daghestan experiment station
The Station was organised in 1969 on the Caspian Sea shore, 10 km from Derbent, and has been studying the collections of wheat and its wild relatives, barley, oat, vegetables, fruit plants and valuable local forms of grapevine. The climate provides a natural background infested by virulent races of brown, stem and yellow rust, which helps to make precise evaluation of accessions by their rust resistance. This station performs genetic analysis of wheat accessions in order to identify donors of male sterility and fertility restoring lines.
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Far East experiment station
The Station (20 km from Vladivostok) has existed
since 1929 and studies field crops, vegetables, fruits and berries, grapes,
actinidia, aboriginal forms of plum, apricot, magnolia vine, honeysuckle
and Amur grape. More attention is allocated to soybean, genetics proper
of this crop and its resistance to fungi. The station breeds potato cultivars
and introduces wild forage grasses into cultivation.
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Yekaterinino experiment station
The Station was organised in Tambov Province (25
km from Michurinsk). It identifies sources of resistance to fungous diseases
in leguminous crops, initial materials for breeding of nematode resistant
potato with high content of starch. The station maintains duplicate collections
of pea, lentil, vetch, small grains and perennial grasses.
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Krymsk experiment breeding station
The Station was included in the Institute's network in 1935. It is situated in the town of Krymsk, Krasnodar Region, and studies the collections of green pea, sugar maize, tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber,
apple, plum, peach, pear, apricot, strawberry and some other crops. It
is involved in vegetable and sugar maize breeding programmes.
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Kuban experiment station
The Station was established in 1924 in the steppe zone of Krasnodar Region. It performs studies of maize, sorghum, sunflower and castor oil plant, immunological research on wheat, barley, chickpea and sunflower, and on flax resistance to Fusarium wilt. The National Seed Store is situated on the territory of this station. It houses the base
collection of the Institute within a temperature range from +4°C to -18°C.
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Maikop experiment station
The Station was established in 1930. It has been studying the collections of cultivated and wild grasses, maize, Jerusalem
artichoke, potato, winter rapeseed, and southern varieties of apple, pear,
plum, sweet cherry and filbert. There is a quarantine nursery at this station.
The station specializes in research on onion, pepper, eggplant, cucumber,
cabbage, garlic, carrot and red beet. Heterosis hybrids of cucumber and
tomato are bred at the station.
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Moscow division
The Station was opened in 1957 in the town of Mikhnevo near Moscow. It has been working with cereals, legumes, forages, vegetables,
potato and hop. The research on the effect of ionizing radiation and chemical
supermutagens on the heredity of agricultural and horticultural crops is
concentrated here. It also studies mutants and the prospects of their utilization
in plant breeding, resistance of plants to diseases and pests, and physiology
of environmental stress resistance.
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NPB "Pushkin and Pavlovsky laboratories of VIR"
The Station was organised in 1926 near St. Petersburg.
Being one of the major stations of VIR, it studies perennial grasses and
cruciferous tubers cultivated in the Non-Black-Soil area. There are over
3000 accessions of fruit and berry plants maintained in vivo in its gardens.
More than 40 of these fruit samples have been commercialized. This station
operates an experiment farm, a quarantine nursery and greenhouses.
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Polar experiment station
The Station was opened in 1923 near the town of Kirovsk beyond the Polar Circle. It is a kind of natural laboratory for studying
crop variability and their physiological characters under the growing conditions
of the Far North. Cereals, vegetables, forage crops, berries and potato
are studied here. The station is involved in biochemical, physiological,
immunological and chemical weed control research.
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Volgograd experiment station
The Station, established in 1932, is located in flood lands of Volga. It is comprised of the departments of vegetables, fruit
plants, vegetable and potato seed production, and laboratories of biochemistry
and technology, physiology and immunology. Plant genetic resources collections
are studied under intensive irrigation conditions. This station possesses
a big experimental farm and supplies scientific institutions with breeding
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