The Departments of Plant Resources Back

Collection. Photo: S.Harrer, ZADI Dr T.Buravtseva. Photo: S.Harrer, ZADI

  Fundamental (Methodological) Departmentss and Laboratories Back

These Departments and laboratories specialize in various fields of plant biology. They perform thorough analyses of plant genetic resources from the genebank in order to select new donors and sources of commercially valuable characters to be used in breeding programmes. They perform theoretical studies aimed at the development of new plant breeding methods, identification of phylogenetic relations and variability mechanism in biological characters of various crops. They also analyze collection accessions by separate characters and properties, identify and create genetic sources and donors of commercially valuable characters, work out and develop plant research methods.
Cooling Aggregate. Photo: S.Harrer, ZADI
  • Department of Agrobotany and PGR in situ conservation
  • Department of Biotechnology
  • Department of Computerized Information Systems
  • Department of Foregin Relations
  • Department of Genetics
  • Laboratory of Molecular and Ecological Genetics
  • Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
  • Genebank
  • Group of Agrometeorology
  • Group of Plant Introduction
Inside of Cold Chamber. Photo: S.Harrer, ZADI

Department of Wheat Genetic Resources

Head::Leading Researcher E.V. Zyev
Departments of Wheat maintains and studies the genetic resources of gen. Triticum L., including wild and cultivated species, varieties and forms from over 70 countries. The Departments also holds the specific diversity of gen. Aegilops L., a rich collection of Triticale, and other amphydiploids from different parts of the world. The collection numbers more than 54,000 accessions.

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Department of Rye, Barley, Oats Genetic Resources

Head::Dr.I.G. Loskutov
Department of Rye, Barley and Oats is in charge of the world-wide diversity of rye, barley and oat species, varieties and wild relatives. Total number of accessions is over 36,000, namely: rye - 3,000 accessions, barley - 20,000 (24 species), oat - 13,000 (21 species). The staff of the Department works with the donors of CMS, dwartfness and immunity and performs other research.

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Department of Leguminous Crops Genetic Resources

Department of Leguminous Crops stores a collection of 42,000 accessions, representing more than 160 species, belonging to 15 genera of the family of legumes, including pea, kidney beans, soybean, vetch, faba beans, lentil, everlasting pea, chickpea, cowpea and other legumes. The Department studies regularities in variation and inheritance of plant characters, and selects donors and sources for breeding the intensive type cultivars.

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Department of Small Grains

Department of Maize and Small Grains supervises species and varieties of maize, sorghum, buckwheat, rice, millet, green foxtail, foxtail millet, paisa and Sudan grass. The collections of these crops cover in total more than 57,000 accessions. There is also a collection of maize mutants. The staff works on the problems of creating heterotic hybrids of maize and sorghum.

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Department of Perennial Forage Crops Genetic Resources

Department of Forage Crops maintains a rich collection of species, varieties and wild populations of alfalfa, sainfoin, clover, melilot, Dacota vetch, timothy, fescue, bromegrass, meadow grass, cock's foot, ryegrass, bentgrass, arid and silage crops. All in all there are about 20,000 accessions of 66 genera and 486 species. Research is conducted on the problems of heterosis, CMS, self-incompatibility and structure of populations.

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Department of Oil and Fiber Crops Genetic Resources

Head::Dr.V.A. Gavrilova
Department of Industrial Crops is responsible for the collections of fibre and oil crops (over 20,000 accessions in total). These are cotton, flax, hemp, kenaf, jute, China jute, sunflower, castor beans, rapeseed, mustard, groundnut, false flax, sesame, safflower and poppy. The Department works on identification of donors of valuable characters in fibre and oil crops.

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Department of Potato Genetic Resources

Head::Leading Researcher E.V. Rogozina
Department of Tuber Crops stores a potato collection of over 10,000 accessions. It is comprised of wild, primitive and cultivated potato species introduced from the centres of origin, as well as potato cultivars from all the countries in which this crop is cultivated. The Department develops methods to overcome incompatibility, techniques of interspecific hybridization and procedures of growing potatoes from true seed. Its interspecific hybrids are used in breeding practice.

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Department of Vegetables and Melons Genetic Resources

Head::Leading Researcher A.M. Artemeva
Department of Vegetables and Melons controls 49,000 accessions representing 282 species of tomato, cabbage, pepper, eggplant, spinach, lettuce, dill, carrot, spicy roots, radish, beet, onion, garlic, cucumber, melon, watermelon, pumpkin, rare vegetables and other crops. Its research activites include identification of sources and donors of different properties, heterosis, extending of vegetable production areas to new regions and widening of the range of vegetable cultivars in open field and in greenhouses.

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Department of Fruit Crops Genetic Resources

Head::Leading Researcher O.I. Romanova
Department of Fruits, Berries, Grapes, Ornamental and Subtropical Crops maintains in vivo collections at the Institute's experiment stations. Over 23,000 accessions are concentrated there, including varieties and species of apple, pear, quince, cherry, sweet cherry, plum, apricot, peach, small fruit and nut bearing plants, subtropical and citrus crops, grape and ornamental plants. These accessions are studied for their ability to be used in breeding programmes and fruit production.

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