Всероссийский Институт Растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова

ГНУ Всероссийский Научно-Исследовательский Институт им. Н.И. Вавилова Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук

  1. .D. Brezhnev: a tireless researcher of plant resources, excellent organizer of science and industry, mentor of scientists(celebrating the 110–anniversary of his birth).

The article describes the life and career of Dmitry Danilovich Brezhnev, N. I. Vavilov’s colleague, scientist of worldwide renown, great organizer of science, who made an undeniable contribution to the development of N. I. Vavilov’s ideas on mobilization, study and use of the world's plant resources.

Key words: N. I. Vavilov’s colleague, mobilization, plant resources, vegetable plants, tomato.V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 250–259.

Bibl. 4.

  1. . Life given for the science(aboutEkaterina Vladimirovna Ellady).

The article describes the way of life of N. I. Vavilov’s colleague Ekaterina Vladimirovna Ellady and her contribution to botanical systematics, geographical and phylogenetic study of worldwide diversity of cultivated and wild flax held in the collection of VIR.

Key words: N. I. Vavilov’s colleague, Linum usitatissimum L., worldwide diversity, classification, research contribution. V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 260–267.

Bibl. 18.

  1. . “The Desert Fathers and the Women Undefiled...”.

Participation of scientists from VIR in a rally race through the territory with complex soil composition provided valuable contribution to the development of land use and applied geosciences.

Key words: desert, rally racing, expedition, soil science. V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 268–279.

Bibl. 6.

  1. T. G. Aleksandrova, O. I. Kovina, T. V. Shelenga, L. Y. Novikova, M. A. Vishnyakova. Results of studying hairy vetch (Vicia villosa roth) in mono and binary agrophytocoenoses at spring planting under the conditions of the northeast of the Russian Federation.

Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), like common vetch (V. sativa L.), is one of the most widespread cultivated forage vetches. In Russia, hairy vetch is sown both in spring and winter planting seasons. V. villosa populations may contain spring, semi–spring, semi–winter and winter biotypes. Three hairy vetch varieties (Nezhnostebelnaya, Siverskaya 2 and Ukrainka) were studied in mono– and binary agrophytocoenosis with oat, rape and barley at spring sowing under the conditions of Leningrad Province of the Russian North–West in 2010–2012. Biotype composition of vetch variety populations was determined to identify adaptive biotypes. Some biological and agronomic characters were analysed. Comparative evaluation of hairy vetch variety populations was performed to test the role of agrophytocoenosis (and its phytocomponent) as a possible factor of biotype variability in vetch varieties and their biological and agronomic characters.

Key words: Vicia villosa, hairy vetch, population, biotype, agrophytocoenosis, ramification, green matter, protein, breeding. V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 280–298.

Bibl. 15.

  1. T. A. Budkevich, Zh. M. Anisova, L. G. Tarshis, Z. M. Aletshenkova, A. A. Fedorenchik,
  2. . Physiological and biochemical aspectsof reproducing the wild long–rhizome morphotype of Medicago falcata L. under cultivation.

Morphology, nitrogen–fixing activity and seed productivity of the introduced wild long–rhizome yellow alfalfa (Medicago falcata L.) under exogenous treatment with microbial preparations and phytohormone (homobrassinolide) were studied in field experiments. It was revealed that growth activators increase seed productivity and nitrogen–fixing activity in the cultivated taproot alfalfa type and, on the whole, have no effect on metabolism in the long–rhizome morphotype plants. To solve the problem it is necessary to develop Rhizobium preparations increasing nitrogen–fixing activity of the long–rhizome alfalfa plants on the basis of natural isolates and the use of phytohormones with due regard to the peculiarities of the ontogenesis of the long–rhizome M. falcata morphotype.

Key words: Medicago falcata, long–rhizome type, introduced plant, morphogenesis, nitrogen fixation, seed productivity, microbial preparations, homobrassinolide. V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 299–324.

Bibl. 33.

  1. V. Holubec, T. Smekalova, L. LeisovaSvobodova.Morphological and molecular evaluation of the Far East fruit genetic resources of Lonicera caerulea L.

Field studies of honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. s.l.) and material for investigation (91 herbarium accessions; 20 scion samples; and fruits for detailed morphological description, organoleptic and molecular analyses) have been collected in the north–eastern part of the area of honeysuckle distribution, in Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions. All coenopopulations have been characterized ecologically, geobotanically, and phytosociologically. Factors threatening natural coenopopulations have been estimated, and these data preconditioned recommendations for honeysuckle in situ conservation. Fruits of 20 Russian honeysuckle cultivars have been included in comparative molecular assessment together with fruits from natural ecotypes. As a result of AFLP analysis, all investigated material was divided into three groups: two groups include samples L. caerulea, collected in Kamchatka, and the majority of the investigated honeysuckle cultivated forms, while the third group unites only genotypes of the sakhalin plants.

Key words: honeysuckle, Lonicera caerulea L. s.l., geographical distribution, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, molecular characterization, in situ conservation.V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 325–335.

Bibl. 15.

  1. Monitoring fruit landraces in the Czech Republic, tracing their origin and potential for their conservation.

Landraces of cultivated plants originated from the beginning of agriculture through selection from wild ecotypes and cultivated by farmers in their domestic region were investigated with the goal to conserve fragments of still existing fruit landraces, including restoration of variable countryside with scattered and roadside trees, wind–breaking and snow–catching functions including fruit consumption. Individual trees were identified, attributed to cultivars, localized by GPS and mapped in the Geobase Map of the Czech Republic. The inventory listed 388 fruits out of total number of 2866 accessions. It is a basis for searching lost and extinct materials. The database was analyzed for cultivars, regionality and their longevity by the length of registration. The best indigenous materials were proposed for in situ conservation mainly in the territory of National Parks and Protected Landscape Areas.

Key words: landraces, fruit samples, in situ, ex situ, on farm conservation. V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 336–345.

Bibl. 6.

  1. E.A. Aghajanyan, R. E.Avalyan,L. Atoyants, A. E. Simonyan, R. M. Aroutiounian. Studying genetic effects in natural ecosystems with application of a plant test object.

The genotoxicity and clastogenic effects of water samples from Lake Sevan and the rivers of its basin with the application of Trad–SF (stamen filaments) and Trad–MN (micronuclei in the tetrads of microspores) bioassays of Tradescantia (clone 02) were investigated. A significant increase in the level of recessive mutation events (RME) frequency and micronuclei (MN) in tetrads from the water samples from the Gavaraget and Dzknaget Rivers as compared with the reference and other studied samples was detected. High positive correlation between the RME and MN frequencies and the concentration of some chemical elements in the studied water samples (Si, Al, P, Mn, Fe, and Cu) were revealed. The obtained results show that Trad–SF and Trad–MN tests of Tradescantia (clone 02) can be used for ecotesting of natural aquatic ecosystems in Armenia.

Key words: Tradescantia (clone 02), bioassays, genotoxicity, recessive mutations, clastogenic effects, micronucleus, water pollution. V. 176. I. 3. SPb: VIR, 2015. рр. 346356.

Bibl. 9.

  1. "Do not let laurels carry you away, they are cheap stuff ..." (Vavilov’s role in the formation ofD. Karpechenkoas a leader of genetic research at VIR). Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. рр. 131–145.

Background: The article is devoted to the 90th anniversary of genetic investigations in the Vavilov Institute. In April 1925, a young scientist G. D. Karpechenko was invited to the All-Union Institute of Applied Botany and New Crops, headed by N. I. Vavilov, to lead a newly established genetics laboratory.Objective: On the basis of the correspondence between N. I. Vavilov and G. D. Karpechenko in 1923–1926, the analysis of their working relationship during this period has been made. Results. When he started his work at Vavilov’s institute,G. D. Karpechenko was 26 years old, but he had a good education, methodological training, certain scientific background and broad expertise in genetics. His abilities attracted Vavilov’s attention. The history of relations between these two great geneticists of the 20th century is confined in this article within the period of November 1923 - May 1926. Most of that time they were far away from each other, and communicated through letters. These letters provide us with documentary evidence of Vavilov’s help to G. D. Karpechenko, who had no experience in leadership and organizational work – how to determine the key problems of the main  division of the Institute. G. D. Karpechenko, by that time, had released the intergeneric hybrids Raphanobrassica, (crossing different cruciferous genera: radish Raphanus sativus L. and cabbage Brassica oleracea L.). He was inclined to continue his work in this field. He studied cytological bases of cross-incompatibility, looking for ways to overcome it, etc. However, Vavilov insisted on the development of genetics and phylogenetics of different plant species from the collection of the Institute, and to cover the widest possible range of crops. He hoped that the newly established Department of Genetics, will be "the main methodological laboratory that can be accessed by employees in charge of different crops." It was not immediately that G. D. Karpechenko understood those tasks. However, Vavilov’s clear vision of the role of his Institute in the development of the agriculture of the USSR contributed to the formation of the young scientist not only as a leader of VIR’s genetic research, but also as a great scientist of the global scale.

Key words: N. I. Vavilov, G. D. Karpechenko, genetic laboratory, the program of genetic research in VIR, training, correspondence of 1924–1926.

Bibl. 20.

  1. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. рр. 146–162.

Relevance: Flora inventory in the protected areas allows identification of rare and economically valuable species related to the cultivated plants. Pryazovsky State Natural Reserve of federal significance occupies 42.2 thousand hectares in the North-Western part of Krasnodar region and is a part of the wetland of international importance "Delta of Kuban". Its flora has not been studied sufficiently. Object and method: Flora and vegetation of the ridges and the Azov sea coast of the Natural Reserve became the object of our study which was conducted by the routing method according to the seasons of the year for three years. Results and conclusions: The species diversity of the ridges’ herbaceous cover varied depending on topography and soil type. In general, the vegetation of the ridges can be attributed to the meadow type. A large part of the studied territory was occupied by steppe, saline and alkaline meadows. The areas along the roads were occupied by the most characteristic associations like reed-woodreed, couch grass-grass, sedge-grass, and the saline patches are characterized by coastal saltbrush-saltwort association. The studied flora includes 29 species of crop wild relatives (CWR) belonging to 23 genera and 7 families. The Fabaceae contains the highest number of the species (12), the Poaceae is the next (11). The study of the ecological characteristics of CWR revealed a predominance of heliophilious plants (83%) that do not need rich soils. In relation to the substrate the plants are mainly salt-tolerant as they are confined to saline and alkaline meadows and seaside coastal strip. Relatives of forage plants (70%) dominate among the plants of the practical relevance, edible plants (21%) are less common. Four species of plants are used as medicinal, 6 species are sources of honey. The ranking of species according to economic significance show that the majority of plants (72%) belong to the first rank and are cultivated. There are 5 rare plant species found in the reserve, one of them is spiny dogfish sea (Crambe maritime L.) is an edible plant. The populations of Crambe are well developed but their density is low due to anthropogenic impacts in the coastal area. While allocating priority to the conservation of species of CWR in the reserve according to their distribution it should be noted the presence of therare species C. maritime, Elytrigia elongata (Host) Nevski, Beckmannia eruciformis (L.) Host and all species of Medicago L. genus.

Key words: wild relatives, cultivated plants, natural flora, population, rare plants, protection measures.

  1. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176.2. 2015. рр. 163–176.

Background. The consequence of repeated application of different pesticides to control pests and diseases on perennial plantations (orchards and vineyards) is the accumulation of excessive concentrations of copper (Cu) and other heavy metals in the soil and plant organs. Soils with a high concentration of Cu after stubbing of perennial plants cannot be used for growing of other crops without pretreatment. Objective. to study some morphological and physiological parameters of a number of plants from variousspeciesand varieties, needed to clarify the features of adaptation mechanisms of plants at high concentrations of Cu and procedure of Cu phytoextraction development. Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out under conditions of water and soil culture. Calendula, canola, clover, sainfoin and 6 cultivars of soybean were studied. Increasing doses of Cu were added to the culture medium. Results. Excess of Cu in the medium increases its content in plant organs, inhibits transport of Fe, Mn and Zn to the surface organs, and growth and development of plants. The main part of the Cu was accumulated in the roots. Toxicity of Cu is much more pronounced in the aquatic culture than in the soil. It can be attributed to the high buffering capacity of the soil, a significant accumulation of the metal in the roots and its weak transport to the aerial parts of the plants. Excess of Cu leads to decrease of the quantity of photosynthetic pigments in leaves, increase of peroxidase activity and the quantity of proline, occurrence of an imbalance of trace elements, resulting in a decrease in plant productivity. Conclusion. It was revealed that there is relative tolerance of calendula, soybean and canola to an excess of Cu in the medium; two soybean cultivars, more tolerant to Cu excess were identified.

Key words: anthropogenic pollution, Cu surplus, trace elements, phytoextraction.

Bibl. 21, tabl. 6.

  1. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. рр. 177–186.

Background. Medicago is of utmost interestamong cultivated species of leguminous plants, as it excels many other forage crops in nutritive quality. The great potential of Medicago is yet underutilized for the present. For more complete realization of potential productivity it is necessary to pursue correct selection of varieties, enrichment of the cultivated flora with new species, and use ecotypes in breeding practice, taking into account their adaptation to local soil and climate. Materials and methods. Introductive tests of 10 wild perennial species and 20 varieties of cultivated Medicago have been performed in the extreme mountainous environments of Dagestan.  The experiments with perennial plants of Medicago on different high-altitude levels showed the differences in the dates of beginning of all stages of generative development. As a result of the introductive test of Medicago species and varieties in mountainous environments, the trends of interspecific and intervarietal differentiation for different sets of characteristics were revealed. It was found that with the rising of the height above sea level the number of shoots per plant increased, the productivity of shoots and individual plants decreased, while the shape of the shrub changed from erect to prostrate. Highly productive species, varieties and forms of Medicago were identified as promising for extreme mountainous environments. The regularities reveled in Medicago species are interesting for introductive and breeding researches and developments aimed at broadening the basic source materials and the area of practical use of Medicago species and varieties.

Key words: Medicago, introduction, productivity, phytomass, species, varieties.

Bibl. 24, tabl. 3.

  1. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. рр. 187–196.

Background. At the present time in the Republic of Bashkortostan there is a real threat of extinction for Paeonia hybrida Pall., unless urgent measures are taken. One of the promising ways to save this plant is to breed it in the environment of the Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (BGI USC RAS). Objective. P. hybrida, recently discovered in Bashkortostan, is included in the "Red Book of the Russian Federation" (1988) with the status of 3 (R) – a rare species. Materials and Methods. The study of seasonal rhythm of plants was carried out by the methods of the Main Botanical Garden, and seed production by the method of I.V. Vaynagiya. Winter hardiness was determined by the percentage of dead plants from their total number. Ornamentality, as well as resistance to pests and diseases, was analyzed by the techniques of the State Variety Trials for Ornamental Crops. Measuring the success of introduction was performed as described in the Donetsk Botanical Garden. In 2012–2013, experiments were conducted to study the effect of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium chloride, urea) and physiologically active substances (Zavyaz, Heteroauxin, Fetil) on plant habit and seed productivity. Results. Peony blossoms in mid-May. P. hybrida is a compact shrub 25–30 cm high. The flower is not double, open, purple, with a diameter of 6–8 cm. The 7-point scale was used to assess the success of the introduction; the species received 6 points. Analysis of changes in peony seed production elements under the influence of growth regulators showed that the most effective drug was Heteroauxin (percentage of fruit increased by 1.2, potential seed productivity by 2.3; real seed productivity by 2.4 times). Also effective, but to a lesser extent, was the drug Zavyaz (percentage of fruit increased by 1.3, potential seed production by 1.1; real seed productivity by 1.1 times). Fetil inhibited the process of flowering, fruit and seed setting in P. hybrida. It was established during another experiment where the formfertilizer + Fetil” was applied that the growing season became 8–10 days longer. A significant impact on seed production was observed. Conclusions. Introduction of P. hybrida into cultivation in the forest-steppe zone of Bashkortostan is promising. Mineral supplements and synthetic growth regulators can be used to improve seed productivity and ornamental qualities of peony.

Key words: Paeonia hybrida, introduction, phenology, morphometry and biology of flowering and seed production.

  1. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. рр. 197–209.

The presented research points to the significance of a comprehensive study of variability in plant varieties within their populations. That study would refer to the genetic principles of evolution. Knowledge of an adaptive role of the eco-element structure of a population, as presented in this paper, paves a new way to a promising basic strategy in plant breeding.

Different wheat varieties from various geographical and ecological locations were investigated in in the same climatic zone. An effect of different dates of seeding, temperature factors, light regime were used; the variability of phenotypic composition of populations was investigated.

From our investigation in the population structure of cultivated plants we are to conclude that such a population has quite big reserves of variability that can be widely used in plantbreeding to improve existing varieties and develop new ones. Efficiency of intra population selection can be greatly improved under conditions of maximum disclosure of an apparent, or aprobable, structure of latent reserves of the population variability. Using methods for population analysis, any number of varieties can be analyzed, isolated and subsequently used for the improvement of varieties.

Key words: population structure, cultivated plant, wheat, varieties.

  1. Bibl.37, fig. 1.
  1. N. B. Brutch, A. V. Domantovich, V .A. Koshkin, A. A. Sanin, L. A. Kosykh. Intensity of growth and development of flax lines with different photosensitivity in the latitudes traditional for flax and linseed. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. 176. I. 2. 2015. рр. 210–224.

Background. Recently, the sowing area of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) increased a lot in Russia, and now the crop is moving to the north – traditional area of fibre flax. At the same time, the problem of rational utilization of its straw has arisen. Being a long-day plant, flax has low photosensitive genotypes. Also, the majority of its characters have individual reaction on photoperiod changes in different genotypes. Objective. Influence of different photoperiod duration on flax agronomic traits was evaluated in order to meet new demands of agriculture and improve the effective breeding of innovative varieties. Materials and methods. 35 lines from the flax genetic collection held at VIR, differing in origin and photosensitivity, have been evaluated in natural conditions of fibre flax (60°nl) and linseed (53°nl) cultivation, and in artificially created long- and short-day (12 hours) conditions for the duration of the phases “germination-flowering”, “flowering-maturation”, and for plant height. Results. It was found that within small differences in day length the main influence on the duration of vegetative period has air temperature. Under similar conditions, flax height, except for the temperature, is affected by intensity of precipitation. Additionally, the genotypes interact differently with specific environmental conditions. Conclusion. Conducting geographical study of a wide variability of source material will allow more efficient selection of perspective genotypes for breeding varieties for nonstandard conditions.

Key words: flax, photosensitivity, vegetative period, height.

  1. Bibl.24, fig. 8, tabl. 1.

УДК 577.152.193: 632.938

И.В. Максимов, Г.Ф. Бурханова, О.И. Кузьмина, В.А. Вахитов. Полиморфизм гена, кодирующего анионную пероксидазу пшеницы. Труды по прикладной ботанике, генетике и селекции. Том 176, вып. 2. 2015, с. 225–236.

Актуальность. В геномах растений пероксидазы представлены десятками изоформ и, соответственно, десятками генов. Физиологические функции пероксидаз хорошо известны. Однако взаимодействие путей реализации генетической составляющей и структуры белковой части ее молекулы и последующее проявление чувствительности к воздействию стрессовых факторов растениями пока остаются слабо изученными. Материалы и методы. Проводили анализ гомологичности структуры фрагмента гена TC151917 (код доступа AK333699.1) пероксидазы Triticum aestivum L. у разных видов пшениц. Результаты и выводы. Выявлена максимальная гомология данного участка гена анионной пероксидазы T. aestivum с таковым у T. compactum Host (97,1%) и минимальная с T. timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. (94,1%). Сравнительный анализ просеквенированного фрагмента гена пероксидазы пшеницы TC151917с данными международного генбанка других видов семейства Poaceaе Barnhart показал наибольшую ее гомологию c пероксидазами ячменя Hordeum vulgare L. (AK249487.1 – 93% и AK249784.1 – 90%), риса Oryza sativa L. (D84400 – 82%, BN000655 – 82% и В14481 – 80%), сорго Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (XM_002447101.1 – 80%) икукурузы Zea mays L. (NM_001147217.1 – 79% и EU974071.1 – 78%). Таким образом, подобные пероксидазы у родственных видов растений можно выделить в отдельный кластер полисахарид-специфичных изопероксидаз.

Ключевые слова: виды пшениц и эгилопс, ген пероксидазы, полиморфизм.

Библ. 30, рис. 4.

  1. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. рр. 225–236.

Background: A great number of peroxidase genes are present in higher plants. Plants contain multiple isoforms of peroxidases, which respond to stresses in different or similar manner. Peroxidase enzymes and their encoding are important for plant defense against various biotic stresses including pathogen infection. Little is known about their organization and evolution in plants. Materials and methods: Identification, sequencing and phylogenetic comparison of gene fragment TC151917(A333699.1) were performed in different wheat species. Results: The results postulated a close genetic proximity of the peroxidase gene AK333699 among Triticum L. species. Phylogenetic comparison showed high homology of anionic peroxidase genes of Triticum aestivum L. and T. compactum Host (97,1%), but the lowest with T timopheevii (Zhuk.) Zhuk. (94,1%). Sequenced anionic peroxidase gene TC151917 of T. aestivum has the most homology with peroxidase of Hordeum vulgare L. (AK249487.1 – 93% and AK249784.1 – 90%), Oryza sativa L. (D84400 – 82%, BN000655 – 82% and V14481 – 80%), Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (XM_002447101.1 – 80%) and Zea mays L. (NM_001147217.1 – 79% and EU974071.1 – 78%). Thus, the described above peroxidase in related plant species can be identified as a particular cluster of polysaccharide-specific isoperoxidases.

Key words: wheat, Triticum and Aegilops species, gene of peroxidase.

  1. Bibl.30, fig. 4.

Malyshev L. L., Buravtzeva T. V., Chapurin V. F. GENETIC RECOURSES OF FORAGE CROPS AND GRAIN LEGUMES OF NORTH-WEST OF EUROPEAN PART OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 3–10.

The results of field observations on the territory of European part of Russian Federation North-West Region in 2002, 2007 and 2011 are summarized in the article. The differential maps of collections by agricultural groups and separated genera are presented.

Key words: plant genetic recourses, forage crops, grain legumes, North-West region of Russia.

Vishnyakova M. A., Burlyaeva M. O., Seferova I. V., Neuimin S. I., Kulikov P. V., Martyushov P. A. Expedition collection of tribe vicieae representatives IN Russian federation and on the adjacent area. MIDDLE AND southern ural. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 11–16.

The paper is devoted to the expedition observation of the vast area of the Southern Ural. This area is known as a refuge of tertiary Flora for some endemic species of tribe Vicieae (Adans.) Bronn family Fabaceae Lindl. The seeds of 77 accessions of the representatives of the tribe have been collected: 7 Lathyrus L. species and 8 Vicia L. ones, including Ural endemics – V. nervata Sipl. и L. litvinovii Iljin, listed in Red Book of Chelyabinsk region. The theoretic and applied background and aims of expeditions are discussed. The collected material is included in the collection of Vavilov Institute and will be used for genotyping with the aim of resolution of systematic and phylogenetic problems of the tribe, as well as for pasportization of the collection and replenishment of DNA bank. New knowledge on the biology of collected species have been received.

Key words: expedition mission, collection, tribe Vicieae, Vicia, Lathyrus, endemics, classification, phylogeny.

Vishnyakova M. A., Burlyaeva M. O., Seferova I. V., Bagmet L. V., Semenov V. A. Expedition collection of tribe vicieae representatives IN Russian federation and on the adjacent area. the northern caucasus. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 17–21.

The paper is devoted to the expedition observation of the Northern Caucasus. This area is known as a habitat of some endemic species of tribe Vicieae (Adans.) Bronn. family Fabaceae Lindl. The route of the expedition mission was about 1500 km and had been passed through Karachai-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygei Republics and Krasnodar region. The seeds of 67 accessions of 9 Lathyrus L. species and 13 Vicia L. ones have been collected. The collected material is included in the collection of Vavilov Institute and will be used for genotyping with molecular markers for the investigation of systematic and phylogenetic problems of the tribe, as well as for pasportization of the collection and replenishment of DNA bank. New knowledge on the biology of collected species have been received.

Key words: expedition mission, collection, tribe Vicieae, Vicia, Lathyrus, endemics, classification, phylogeny.

Vishnyakova M. A., Burlyaeva M. O., Aleksandrova T. G., Sabitov A. Sh., Chebukin P. A. Expedition collection of tribe vicieae representatives IN Russian federation. primorsky region. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 22–25.

The paper is devoted to the expedition observation of the Primorsky region. This area is known as a habitat of some endemic species of tribe Vicieae (Adans.) Bronn. family Fabaceae Lindl. The route of the expedition mission was about 2500 km. The seeds of 192 accessions of 6 Lathyrus L. species and 10 Vicia L. ones have been collected. The collected material has been included in the collection of Vavilov Institute and will be used for genotyping with molecular markers for the investigation of systematic and phylogenetic problems of the tribe, as well as for pasportization of the collection and replenishment of DNA bank.

Key words: expedition mission, collection, tribe Vicieae, Vicia, Lathyrus, Orobus, endemics, classification, phylogeny.

Buravtzeva T. V., Malyshev L. L., Chapurin V. F. GENETIC RECOURSES OF FORAGE CROPS AND GRAIN LEGUMES OF SOUTHERN AND CENTRAL URAL. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 26–39.

The results of field observations on the territory of Southern and Central Ural are summarized in this article. The differential maps of collections by agricultural groups and separated genera are presented.

Key words: genetic recourses, forage crops, grain legumes, Ural. 

Dzyubenko N. I., Dzyubenko E. A., Douglas Johnson, Paul Johnson, Robert Soreng Expedition eXPLORATION AND collection of turf and FORAGE SPECIES DIVERSITY at the NORTHERN CAUCASUS IN 2010. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 40–49.

The paper is devoted to the expedition exploration of the Northern Caucasus and collecting seeds of turf grasses and forage species. This area is known for its richness of Poa, Festuca, Agrostis and others genera of turf grasses. Problem of breeding of so-called low-input turf grasses is very actual now all over the world. The route of the expedition mission was about 2500 km. The seeds of 340 wild-growing turf and forage species were collected. 162 herbarium sheets were collected as vouchers for species.

Key words: collection mission, low-input turf grasses, forage species.

Radchenko O. E., Bagmet L. V., Boyko A. P. WILD RELATIVES OF FRUIT CROPS IN THE WESTERN TRANSCAUCASIA. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 50–55.

The paper is devoted to the expedition observation of regions of the Western Transcaucasia in 2010, located in close proximity to the territory of building of the Olympic objects in Sochi. Unique natural complexes which destruction threatens were researched. Collection of seeds and a herbarium of wild relatives of cultivated plants, first of all fruit crops for their further preservation in the VIR collection was carried out.

Key words: flora, mission, wild relativs of cultivated plants, fruit crops, herbarium, collection.

Lenivtseva M. S. DISTRIBUTION OF CHERRY SPECIES IN THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 56–62.

It is resulted in identification of new sites and more accurate mapping of the known areas of distribution of such cherry species (Cerasus Mill. sensu Yushev)as Cerasus kurilensis (Miyabe.) Kaban. et Vorobiev, C. maximowiczii (Rupr.) Kom., C. sachalinensis (F. Schmidt Fr.) Kom. et Aliss., and С. maackii (Rupr.) Erem. et Simag. in Primorsky Region and Sakhalin Province.C. kurilensis (Kurilecherry) occursmostfrequentlyontheislandofIturupnearthetownsandsettlementsPioner, Rybaki, Vetrovoye, Sentyabrskoye, Parusnoye, Burevestnik, Gorny, Kurilsk, GoryachiyeKlyuchiandinthevicinityofBogdanKhmelnitskyVolcano. C. maackii (Manchurian cherry) grows in Primorsky Region. C. sachalinensis (Sakhalin cherry) is distributed both in Primorsky Region and Sakhalin Province, frequently occurring in the vicinity of Chirip and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Volcanoes, near Kurilsk, Goryachiye Klyuchi and Lebedinoye, on Kunashir Island close to Golovnino, Popov and Reyneke Islands. C. maximowiczii (Miyama or Korean cherry) grows in Primorsky Region, on Popov, Reyneke and Russky Islands, Sakhalin and the Kuriles – Iturup, Kunashir and Shikotan. On Shikotan Island only a single sample was found on a hill not far from Krabozavodskoye.

Key words: Cerasus kurilensis (Kurilecherry), Cerasus maackii (Manchuriancherry), Cerasus sachalinensis (Sakhalincherry), Cerasus maximowiczii (MiyamaorKoreancherry), PrimorskyregionandSakhalinprovince.

Vishnyakova M. A., Burlyaeva M. O., Aleksandrova T. G., Sabitov A. Sh., R. Zhang, J. Zhang,  Chebukin P. A. Expedition collection of tribe vicieae representatives IN Russian federation and on the adjacent area. Khabarovsk Region and north-eastern china. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 63–67.

The paper is devoted to the expedition observation of the Primorky and Khabarovsk regions and Hēilóngjiāng province on the north-east of China with the aim of collection of representatives of tribe Vicieae (Adans.) Bronn. of Fabaceae Lindl. This area is known as a habitat of some endemic species of tribe. The route of collection mission was about 5000 km. In 91 sites of 7 administrative districts of Khabarovsk region and 4 districts of Primorye, as well as in China 119 herbariums and seeds of 64 accessions of the representatives of Vicieae have been collected: 5 Lathyrus L. species and 10 Vicia L. species. This region was specific by the greatest number so called “oroboid” collected species, which are indispensable for the resolution of some disputable questions of taxonomy of the tribe. The collected material has been included in the collection of Vavilov Institute and will be used for genotyping with molecular markers for the investigation of systematic and phylogenetic problems of the tribe, as well as for pasportization of the collection and replenishment of DNA bank.

Key words: expedition mission, collection, tribe Vicieae, Vicia, Lathyrus, Orobus, endemics, classification, phylogeny.

Smekalova T. N.,  Zhuk M. А., Kovaleva О. N., Bagmet L. V., Kavahara T., Sasanuma T., Sato K. BARLEY, WHEAT AND AEGILOPS GENETIC RESOURCES ON THE TERRITIRY OF RUSSIAN CAUCASUS (BY MATERIALS of mission 2010). Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 68–71.

The results of mission inspection on Russian Caucasus territory are published in the article. The purpose of mission was investigation of morphological characters of Hordeum, Triticum, Aegilops species and seed and herbarium samples collecting.

Key words: morphological, geographic and ecological characters of barley and wheat, samples, seeds, herbarium.

Burlyaeva M. O., Kotseruba V. V., Aleksandrova T. G., Musaev A. M., Guseinova Z. A., Radjabov G. S. Expedition collection of tribe vicieae (Adans.) Bronn. AND Cicereae Alefeld in the highlands of Dagestan. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 72–79.

The paper is devoted to the expedition observation of the high mountainous areas of Dagestan. This area is known as a habitat of some endemic species of tribe Vicieae (Adans.) Bronn. and Cicereae Alefeld family Fabaceae Lindl. The most interesting result of the survey expedition highland areas of the Eastern Caucasus was the discovery of the new habitats Cicer minutum Boiss. Et Hohen. and Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed. Both species are very rare in nature and included in the Red Book of Russia.Within Russia this species is not found in the last century, since it was collected by V. M. Prima in 1970–1971. The collected material is included in the collection of Vavilov Institute and will be used for genotyping with molecular markers for the investigation of systematic and phylogenetic problems of the tribe, as well as for pasportization of the collection and replenishment of DNA bank.

Key words: expedition mission, collection, tribe Vicieae, Vicia, Lathyrus, Cicer, Vavilovia, endemics.

 Zhuk M. A., Chukhina I. G., Shipilina L. Yu. Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives in Flora of Arkhangelsk Region Based on VIR Expedition Findings. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 80–87.

Diversity of crop wild relatives (CWR) was studied on the territory of Arkhangelsk region during expeditions in 2010 and 2011. As a result, the richest in CWR species diversity areas and plant communities have been allocated. The route of the expedition in 2010 partly repeated one of Y. D. Tsynzerling missions (in 1922). This fact gives us an opportunity to conduct a comparative taxonomic analysis and to evaluate change of CWR diversity in the valleys of Puya and Vaga rivers.

Key words: crop wild relatives (CWR), Arkhangelsk region, expeditions, Y. D. Tsynzerling.

Smekalova T. N., Kovaleva O. N., Sato K., Tsujimoto H., Pulodov M.,  Amonulloev M., AbdulloevS. EXPEDITION MISSION TO MOUNTAINOUS BADAKHSHAN FOR WHEAT, BARLEY AND THEIR WILD RELATIVES INVESTIGATION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 88–96.

The results of mission inspection on the territory of Mountainous Badakhshan are published in the article. The mission purpose was collecting of wheat, barley and their crop wild relatives -seed and herbarium samples.

Key words: wheat, barley, samples, herbarium, collection, genebank.

Loskutov I. G. FOLLOWING VAVILOV’S EXPEDITIONS. SARDINIA. ITALY. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 1. 2014. рр. 97–102.

Some historical and factual data about N. I. Vavilov’s organization of exploration of Sardinia (Italy) in 1927 and joint results of exploration organizing of VIR and Università degli Studi di Sassari in 2012.

Key words: N. I. Vavilov, Sardinia, cereals genetic resources, collecting, exploration, seed collection.

Kobyliansky, V. D. , Solodukhina, O. V. The role of THE Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry in THE  initiation and development of new TRENDS in winter rye breeding in Russia. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 5–19.

Scientific investigations conducted at VIR during 1960–2014 to identify sources of new promising and economically useful traits in rye resulted in the development of genetic donors of such traits capable of increasing breeders’ work efficiency. These results helped to initiate the development of new priority trends in winter rye breeding, such as breeding of heterosis hybrid cultivars, semi-dwarf non-lodging cultivars, cultivars resistant to fungal diseases, semi-dwarf forms with higher productivity on the basis of plant photosynthesis potential optimization, and rye cultivars with low pentosan content for universal utilization.

Key words: winter rye, traits, heterosis, semi-dwarfness, resistance to diseases, photosynthesis, rye with low pentosan content, genes, inheritance, donors, cultivars.



OF MEIOSIS GENETIC CONTROL. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 20–36.

Over 40 years, Inna Nikitichna Golubovskaya studied the fundamental problem of genetic control of meiosis, using meiosis in Zea mays as the model. She discovered more than half of 50 genes and gene alleles controlling meiosis in maize anthers and ovules, and studied even more of them. Having started with her researches at the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk) in 1972, she moved in 1986 to the N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry (Leningrad/St. Petersburg) to become the leader of a research group. In 1993, she started to collaborate with the Department of Biology, University of North Dakota (USA). There she worked during the field seasons until 1998. In 1999, Dr. Golubovskaya was invited to work with the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, California State University at Berkeley. She developed and maintained a seed collection of genetic maize lines bearing mutations of meiotic genes, and in 2012 brought it to the Vavilov Institute. She was actively involved in cloning and studying major genes regulating meiosis in maize at the molecular level, and their expression in meiotic process. I. N. Golubovskaya’s contribution to the studies on maize genetics and genetic control of meiosis was expressly extolled by American geneticists .

Key words: meiosis, maize, genes, alleles, scientist’ biography.

Batalova, G. A. GLOBAL DIVERSITY AS A BASIS OF ADAPTIVE OAT BREEDING. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 37–46.

Competitive varieties of covered and naked oats resistant and/or tolerant to region-specific ecological factors limiting their productivity have been developed by selection and hybridization techniques using the germplasm from VIR’s oat collection. Among them there are oats varieties widely cultivated in Russia, such as Argamak, Krechet and Gunter, and new varieties Sapsan and Avatar combining high productivity (811.2 t/ha) with resistance to biotic and abiotic stressors. From 250 up to 350 oat samples are evaluated annually in parallel collection nurseries on two cultivated (Kirov and Falenki) and one naturally acidified (Falenki, 13.4517.23 mg-equiv. Al3 +/100 g of soil) plots of soddy-podzolic soils. It is shown that expanding the spectrum of recombinations requires development of mixed hybrids on the basis of covered and naked genotypes. Thus, using covered and naked source materials in crossings, the naked oat cultivar Persheron has been released and included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation since 2013; and the covered oat cultivar Medved with high grain quality has been submitted to the State Crop Variety Trials.

Key words: oats, covered varieties, naked varieties, breeding, sources, hybridization, selection.


TREE COLLECTION IN BELARUS. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 47–58.

The national collection  of apple-tree varieties consisting of 1,273 accessions was used to develop genetically diverse source material developed involving progenies of wild small-fruit apple species (Sorbomalus, Baccatae and Prunifolia) – sources and donors of immunity to scab and powdery mildew. A new trait-specific working collection of fungal disease resistance sources and donors has been established. Using molecular markers made it possible to identify large-fruit donors with 2–3 oligogenes of apple scab resistance in the same genome, and small-fruit donors with 1–3 oligogenes of powdery mildew resistance. New late-ripening apple-tree cultivars Belana, Diyament, Zorka, Krasavita, Navavita and Sakavita with high scab resistance and high fruit quality have been developed.

Key words: apple, collection, interspecific hybrids, genes, scab and powdery mildew resistance, cultivar.

Kostina, L. I., Kosareva, O. S. POTATO VARIETIES PROMISING FOR BREEDING TARGETED AT COMMERCIAL TRAITS. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 59–67.

The article presents the results of studying VIR’s potato collection. Following such study, the best cultivars of potato are recommended as source material for breeding programs targeted at basic commercial traits, such as high yield, starch content, resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) and Ro1 pathotype of golden potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) Behr.). Described here are the cultivars combining resistance to gold potato cyst nematode with other valuable commercial traits. The identified genotypes are recommended to be included in potato breeding programs.

Key words: potato, variety, source, trait, breeding.

Pavlov, A. V., Brutch, N. B., Porokhovinova, E. A.,  Kutuzova, S. N.  FIBRE FLAX ACCESSIONS OF CHINESE BREEDING AS SOURCES OF VALUABLE AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр.68 –75.

Evaluated in the environments of the North-West of Russia were 75 accessions of fibre flax varieties bred in China. They were planted for 2-3 years during the period from 2006 to 2012. As a result of the study, new sources of valuable agronomic characters were identified.

Key words: fibre flax, fibre, fibre quality.

Popova, G. A., Michkina, G. A., Rogalskaya, N. B., Trofimova, V. M., Brutch, N. B. INVOLVEMENT OF WORLDWIDE FLAX GENETIC RESOURCES FROM VIR’S COLLECTION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTIVARS IN TOMSK. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 76–87.

Twenty-six flax accessions of diverse ecogeographic origin from VIR’s collection (4 from Russia, 3 from Kazakhstan, 2 from Mongolia, 2 from Portugal, 1 from Spain, and 14 from France) were evaluated in 2009–2011 at the experimental field of the Siberian Institute of Agriculture and Peat located in the subtaiga zone of Western Siberia with continental climate. Using the two-factor variance and correlation analyses, the effect of genotypes and environments on the expression of plant characters and correlations between them were studied. The accessions with best agronomic traits – k -1338 (Kazakhstan), k-1436 (Altai province), k-1439 (Kazakhstan), k-6085 (Portugal), k-7454 (France), k-7359 (Portugal), k-7460 (France), k-7470 (France), and k-8289 (France)  - were recognized as promising source material and were involved in the breeding process as paternal parent forms. Twenty hybrid combinations were obtained, and 440 plants were placed into the screening nursery.

Key words: breeding, source material, flax, hybridization, correlations, productivity, adaptability.

Seferova I. V.,  NovikovaL. Y. CLIMATIC FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY SOYbean ACCESSIONS IN THE ENVIRONMENTS OF THE RUSSIAN NORTHWEST. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 88–97.

Climate requirements of early soybean forms have been evaluated in the planting-shooting and shooting-flowering interphase periods under the conditions of the Russian Northwest. The mean temperature is the principal factor regulating the duration of these periods. The duration of the period from planting to shooting within the interval from 10°C to 19°C has reduced with the growth of mean temperatures, and at temperatures above 19°C becomes constant (minimum). The duration of the period from shooting to flowering has reduced with the growth of temperatures, and for several accessions has become constant at temperatures above 19°С. Another, though less important factor determining the duration of these periods is rainfall. Absence of rainfall at the planting phase delays germination. Excessive rainfall in the shooting-flowering period delays the beginning of flowering.

Key words: soybean, Russian Northwest, planting-shooting, shooting-flowering, temperature, rainfall.

Tyslenko, A. M., Skatova,S. E. usING THE ecological principle in the ARRANGEMENT of breeding process TO DEVELOP spring triticale cultivars. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 98–109.

Since 2003, a large-scale study of spring triticale source material of different ecogeographic origin was carried out to launch the breeding work with this crop in the non-black-soil zone of Russia. Accessions and populations from the collections and nurseries of CIMMYT (Mexico), Vavilov Institute, Krasnodar Agricultural Research Institute and Science and Production Centre for Agriculture (Belarus) were evaluated. The breeding process was arranged according to the ecological principle: identification of the required sources and the study of hybrid populations and the developed breeding lines were done concurrently at several sites under different environmental conditions. As a result, four cultivars of spring triticale have been included in the State Register.

Key words: triticale, source material, breeding, cultivar, ecology, adaptation, resistance, productivity.

Streltsova, T. A., Opleukhin, A. A., Okasheva, N. A. RESEARCHING ECOLOGICAL VARIABILITY OF AGRONOMIC TRAITS IN POTATO VARIETIES WHEN THEY ARE INTRODUCED INTO SEVERE ENVIRONMENTS OF THE ALTAI MOUNTAINS. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 176. I. 1. 2015. рр. 110–123.

This article analyzes the data of researching ecological variability of important agronomic traits in potato varieties introduced under the severe climate conditions of the Altai Mountains after several years of environmental variety trials in different altitudinal zones of the Altai Republic. The trials were performed for 31 potato cultivars of various maturity groups. They made it possible to identify varieties most suitable for cultivation in the areas of testing, with high levels of productivity and stable manifestation of this trait under different weather conditions. The analysis was based on the methods suitable for assessing the interaction between factors and all the traits, with consequent evaluation of variations in individual traits under different environmental factors.

Key words: potato, environmental variety trials, highlands, biological resources, variability, adaptability, varietal traits variation, agronomically important traits.

Trouskinov E. V., Kiru S. D. PROMINENT POTATO RESEARCHERS AT VIR: THEIR CONTRIBUTION IN POTATO GENE POOL DEVELOPMENT, SYSTEMATICS AND BREEDING. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 5–12. 

This is a review of the most significant contributions of VIR’s scientists who worked with potato genetic resources and had a great influence on its introduction, taxonomy studies and breeding. A crucial role was performed by the expedition of S. M. Bukasov and S. V. Juzepchuk to Central and South Americas in 1925–1929, organized by N. I. Vavilov. Further research on the introduced varieties and the development of new valuable cultivars on their basis were the outstanding achievements of I. A. Veselovsky, A. J. Kameras and K. Z. Budin. Of paramount importance were the works on potato systematics carried out by S. M. Bukasov and V. S. Lekhnovich. Further significant contribution to the biogeography, breeding and seed production of potato was made by A. G. Zykin, L. E. Gorbatenko and M. A. Vavilova.

Key words: potato, expeditions, introduction, collection, systematics, species, breeding, variety.

Naumova L. G.,  Ganich V. A. PRESERVING THE GENE POOL OF INDIGENOUS GRAPE VARIETIES IN THE DON RIVER VALLEY. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 13–17.

The article discusses the urgent need to preserve indigenous grape varieties of the Don River area. Collections are an extremely valuable and powerful source of potentially useful genes required by breeders to produce higher yielding varieties with better adaptability to the environment. Ampelographic studies have a long history, but have not lost their relevance up to the present time.

Key words: grapes, ampelographic collection, indigenous varieties.

Pryvalov F. I., Grib S. I., Matys I. S. NATIONAL GENETIC DIVERSITY PROGRAMME AS THE BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL GENEBANK OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 18 –27.

The main milestones of plant genetic resources research activities in Belarus are presented in the article. The genetic diversity collected and held by research institutions participating in plant genetic resources research and conservation efforts in Belarus is described. The results of practical utilization of the global crop diversity in breeding practice are shown.

Key words: crop genetic diversity, breeding process, collections.

Sabitov A. S., Chebukin P. A., Zhang J., BurlyaevaM. O. COLLECTING GENETIC BIODIVERSITY OF CROP wild relatives IN THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST AND NORTH-EAST CHINA (MATERIALS OF FEES/VIR MISSIONS FROM 2001 TO 2013). Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 28–45.

The article summarizes the results of the collecting missions carried out by the Far East Experiment Station (VIR) across the territory of the Russian Far East and the North-East of China from 2001 to 2013. The maps of exploration routes are shown As a result of explorations, the areas of some species were updated, new plant species were introduced, and unique collections of fruit and berry plants, vegetables and field crops were developed. All in all, 1033 accessions of 74 cultivated and wild plant species were added to the collection of VIR.

Key words: collecting mission,crop wild relatives, Ribes, Lonicera, Actinidia, Fragaria, Vaccinium, Rubus, Phaseolus, Glycine, Lathyrus, Vicia, Vigna.

Abugalieva S. I., Baibosynova S. M., Kondybaev A. B., Podolskih A. N.,

Turuspekov Ye. K.genetic and phenotypic diversity of THE ice collection in kazakhstan. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 46–59.

The collection of Oryza sativa L. from the Kazakh Rice Research Institute, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan, which consisted of 96 accessions, has been analyzed according to 20 indicators of yield, grain quality traits, and allelic status of 26 microsatellite (SSR) loci. Intra-varietal heterogeneity of a number of rice accessions has been revealed. Genetic passports for commercial rice cultivars from Kazakhstan were developed. A number of promising rice lines have been selected for their high yield, grain quality, earliness, adaptability and other valuable traits.

Key words: rice, genetic diversity, yield, grain quality, SSR markers.

AnisimovaA. V., Abdullaev R. A. SCREENING OF BARLEY FROM DAGHESTAN FOR NET AND SPOT BLOTCH RESISTANCE. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 60–64.

The resistance of 278 barley accessions from Daghestan to the agents of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. teres Drechsl.) and spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus Ito and Kurib.) was analyzed under laboratory conditions. Five accessions were resistant to a mixture of C. sativus isolates from the northwestern (St. Petersburg) population, while 17 accessions were classified under themedium resistance category. Seven forms possessed the highest resistance to the northwestern population of P. teres f. teres, and a lower level of expression was identified in 21 accessions. Fifteen accessions manifested resistance to the Dagestan (Derbent) population of the fungus, and 5 forms were resistant to both populations. The north-western and Dagestan P. teres f. teres populations differed in virulence and aggressiveness. Three accessions possessed multiple resistance to the agents of net and spot blotches.

Key words: barley, resistance, net blotch, spot blotch.

Anisimova I. N., Gavrilova V. A., Alpatieva N. V., Kuznetsova E. B., Karabitsina Y. I., Rozhkova V. T. SUNFLOWER COLLECTION IN THE RESEARCH ON GENETIC MECHANISMS OF POLLEN FERTILITY RESTORATION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 65–74.

The role of the sunflower genetic collection in the studies of genetic mechanisms of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) suppression is demonstrated. The restorer lines presented in the collection are characterized by significant genetic diversity. They have been obtained by three different ways: 1) by introducing Rf genes into the genotypes of autofertile lines; 2) by self-pollination of commercial hybrids; 3) as a result of interspecific hybridization. In order to throw light on the diversity of pollen fertility restoration genes, a complex comparative genetic approach have been used. It includes molecular marking of genotypes, hybridological analysis, characterization of RFL-PPR genes’ polymorphism, and development of molecular markers for their mapping. The data obtained indicate that RFL-PPR genes are involved in the control of pollen fertility restoration character in sunflower.

Key words: sunflower, Helianthus annuus, genetic collection, lines, CMS, pollen fertility restoration, RFL-PPR genes, molecular markers, hybridological analysis.

Garkushka V. G., Frolov A. N., Grushevaya I. V.GENETIC DIVERSITY OF MAIZE AND ITS RESISTANCE TO EUROPEAN CORN BORER. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 75–81.

With its worldwide leading positions in both yield per hectare and total grain production, maize serves as a crop of multipurpose use. Today, maize breeding efforts are targeted inter alia at the development of hybrids for food purposes, whose cultivation specifically requires high resistance to harmful organisms. Among the latter, European corn borer occupies the central place.

Key words: maize, genetic diversity, European corn borer.

Lebedeva, M. V., Teplyakova S. B. MOLECULAR MARKING OF THE VRN-H2 LOCUS IN BARLEY USING MULTIPLEX PCR. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 82–86.

The Vrn-H2 locus plays the key role in determining the heading date for barley and wheat. In the Vrn-H2 locus of winter barley varieties a cluster of three ZCCT-H genes has been identified. The «winter» allele of the locus is considered as dominant, while the «spring» allele of the Vrn-H2 locus is recessive and manifests physical deletion of all ZCCT-H genes. In this study, barley varieties with different growth habits were analyzed using gene-specific multiplex PCR. The PCR enables to identify reliably dominant and recessive alleles of Vrn-H2.

Key words: barley, Vrn-H2, vernalization, molecular markers, multiplex PCR.

Pomortsev, A. A., Boldyrev, S. V., Lyalina, L. V. THE COMPLEX OF POLYMORPHIC LOCI ENCODING SEED PROTEINS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF BARLEY VARIETIES. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 87–91.

The problems of laboratory-based seed control of barley varieties using electrophoresis of alcohol-soluble seed proteins (hordeins) are discussed. This method is shown to be capable of identifying approximately 80% of modern commercial varieties cultivated in Russia. Hordein spectra can discriminate all cultivars in only two of 12 regions of the country. Therefore, electrophoresis of water-soluble seed proteins is suggested for complete and precise identification of varieties with identical hordein spectra. Electrophoretic spectra of water-soluble proteins are not affected by plant cultivation environments.

Key words: barley, seed storage proteins, laboratory-based seed control of barley varieties.

Radchenko Е. Е., Kuznetsova T. L., Malinovskaya Е. V. DONORS OF EFFECTIVE GENES OF GREENBUG RESISTANCE IN SORGHUM FOR BREEDING IN KRASNODAR REGION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 92–98.

Sorghum lines with high level of greenbug resistance and other important traits are recommended for plant breeding. Limited (1–2) backcrosses are proved to be an efficient method for the development of high yielding and aphid resistant sorghum forms. Greenbug resistance in accessions k-1362, k-924, k-928, k-929, and k-1237 is not linked to any negative plant characters.

Key words: sorghum, greenbug, plant resistance.

Rozhnova N. A., Gerashchenkov G. A. PROTEIN AND BIOCHEMICAL MARKERS AS APPLIED TO INDUCED SYSTEMIC RESISTANCE OF TOBACCO AND POTATO TO PLANT VIRUSES. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 99–108.

Immunity-inducing activities of arachidonic acid, alpha-tocopherol acetate and ubiquinone 50 were detected in model plant systems of the Solanaceae family.  Ranges of their optimal concentration and effects of their prolonged activity were identified. Protein spectra analysis led to the assumption concerning the presence of alternative signal transduction ways in tobacco and potato plants.

Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, Solanum tuberosum, arachidonic acid, ubiquinone 50, vitamin E, antivirus resistance, induced proteins, system acquired resistance.

Savelyev, N. I., Savelyeva N. N. UTILIZATION OF THE FRUIT CROP GENETIC COLLECTION IN BREEDING FOR HIGHER ADAPTIVE POTENTIAL AND FRUIT QUALITY. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 4. 2014. рр. 109–114.

Resistance potential of cultivated fruit plants to low temperatures and diseases have been disclosed. On the basis of DNA markers, dominant homozygous genotypes (VfVf) of apple have been identified for scab resistance, and initial forms carrying alleles responsible for lower levels of ethylene (Md-ACS1 и Md-ACO1) and expansin (MD-Exp7) synthesis have been selected. Utilizing the genetic collection in breeding practice resulted in releasing new apple, pear, sour cherry and plum cultivars with high adaptive potential, productivity and fruit quality.

Key words: cultivated fruit plants, hybrid seedlings, resistance to low temperatures, scab, fruit quality, DNA markers, donors.