Всероссийский Институт Растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова

ГНУ Всероссийский Научно-Исследовательский Институт им. Н.И. Вавилова Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук

Vishnyakova M. A., Aleksandrova T. G., Bulyntsev S. V., Buravtseva T. V., Burlyaeva M. O., Egorova G. P., Semenova E. V., Seferova I. V., Yankov I. I. GENETIC RESOURCES OF GRAIN LEGUMEs from THE “hot spots” of THE GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY in THE VIR COLLECTION. MEDITERRANEAN region (a review). Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 5–33.

The Mediterranean region is the third “hot spot” of the world’s biodiversity by the number of endemic species. In the collection of grain, legumes at the Vavilov institute (VIR) the accessions introduced from the Mediterranean region represent more than 12%. This is also one of the centers of origin of cultivated plants. Here several economically important legumes have been domesticated and introduced, and numerous wild relatives of cultivated species are preserved in wild flora. All this makes the germplasm from this region very valuable. Botanical and genetic diversity of 5563 accessions of Mediterranean origin preserved in VIR collection and their use in breeding are discussed.

Key words: Mediterranean, plant genetic resources, legumes, endemic species, sources of valuable traits, breeding.

Seferova I.V.,BoykoА.P.,Shelenga T.V.,Sholukhova Т.А.RESULTS OF testing soybean accessions at VIR’S ADLER EXPERIMENT STATION IN 2010–2012. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 34–41.

474 soybean accessions of various geographic origin were tested at Adler Experiment Station from 2010 through 2012. Seed weight and morphological characters, leaflet size and shape, plant height and habit, pod attachment height, and flower colour were assessed and recorded. The most productive and early- matureting accessions and those with high protein and oil content in seeds were selected. The variability of characters was analysed.

Key words: soybean, accessions, variability of characters.

Buravtseva T. V., Egorova G. P., Koshkin V. A. SOURCE MATERIAL OF COMMON BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.) FOR BREEDING IN THE NORTHWEST OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 42–48.

The sample of 194 accessions of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from the VIR collection has beenunderwent field screening, and 98 accessions were studied for their photoperiodic sensitivity (PPS). As a result of the assessment, 168 accessions with the vegetable period of 70-90 days suitable for cultivation in the environments of the Northwest of Russia, 28 sources of early maturity and 57 sources of neutral PPS have been identified.

Key words: common bean, collection, accession, sources, early maturity, photoperiodic reaction.

Zelenov A. N., Naumkina T. S., Zadorin A. M., Uvarov V. N., Zelenov A. A. THE ORYOL CENTER OF new PEA GENETIC DIVERSITY creation. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 49–57.

A new center of creation of Pisum sativum L. diversity has been generated at VNIIZBK. A certain role in the process of its formation belongs to the agroecological conditions of the region. Genetic sources and cultivars with unique features meeting the requirements of intensive production have been developed. Diversification of breeding trends has been further promoted: breeding for high nitrogen fixation in association with nodule bacteria and mycorrhiza fungi, release of varieties for production of biodegraded polymers and for functional dietary food, selection of field peas adapted to stress factors for grain. An important stage in the release of high-yielding cultivars is identification and development of original forms distinguished for their high bioenergy potential with modified architectonics of leaf and floral zone.

Key words: pea, sources and donors, breeding, genetics, physiology, biological chemistry, nitrogen fixation, immunodefence.

Brezhneva V. I., Brezhnev A. V. BREEDING OF WINTER PEA IN KRASNODAR REGION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 58–65.

Winter pea breeding programmes have been carried out at Krasnodar agricultural institute of the Russian Academy of Agriculture. ‘Sputnik’ and ‘Faeton’ varieties are grown for production; ‘Legion’ alternate variety has been developed and included into the State Register. The first winter pea varieties ‘Zimus’ and ‘Fokus’ leafless, sent for the State Variety Trials in the Northern Caucasus, are described.

Key words: breeding, pea, wintering, spring, variety, seeds, alternate, whiskered leaf type, yield capacity, seed-shattering tolerance.

Germantsevа N. I. CHICKPEA BREEDING IN THE DRY STEPPE ZONE ENVIRONMENTS OF THE VOLGA REGION. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 66–82.

The outcome of the breeding work with chickpea at Krasnokutsk Station over the 80-year period is summerized.The methods and main trends of breeding practice are outlined. The characteristics of the chickpea cultivars developed at the station are presented.

Key words: chickpeas, breeding, cultivar, yield.

Balashov V. V., Balashov A. V., Bulyntsev S. V. 50 YEARS OF CHICKPEA BREEDING ACTIVITIES AT VOLGOGRAD STATE AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 83–97.

The history of chickpea breeding at Volgograd State Agricultural University and the results of this work are highlighted. The prospects of expanding the areas under this valuable grain legume are discussed and the ways to increase its productivity are outlined. The model of a promising cultivar is developed.

Key words: chickpea, collection, hybridization, cultivar, model of a cultivar.

Chesnokov Yu.V. COMMERCIAL ROUNDUP READY SOYBEAN. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 98–107.

Resistant to glyphosate Roundup Ready® soybean of Monsanto Company was one of the first genetic engineering modified crops which were allowed for commercial use in 1996. In 2013, planting of commercial transgenic soybean was about 80% of all cultivated varieties of this crop. During 17-years period after commercialization of soybean, besides identification of structural modification in its genome, some unexpected effects concerning the use of transgenic soybean have been revealed. It is shown that with the possibility of genetic contamination of soybean genetic resources, widespreading of herbicide Roundup using is not only leading to a loss of genetic diversity in (agro)biocenosis, but has a great unfavorable  impact and consequences for (agro)biodiversity, including complex plant-microorganisms interaction occurring in soil.

Keywords: Glycine max, transgene, Roundupresistance, geneticcontamination, preservationofbiodiversity.

Burlyaeva M. O. UsING issr markers for the evaluation of genetic polymorphism and taxonomic relations of THE GENUS Lathyrus L. representatives. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 108–118. 

Molecular heterogeneity was studied in 72 accessions of Lathyrus L., Vicia L., Pisum  L., Lens Mill. from the collection of Vavilov institute by using ISSR markers. The study revealed a high level of inter- and intrageneric polymorphism. New data proving specific generic status of accessions with disputable taxonomic position have been obtained. It was proved the baselessness of including the species from the section Cicercula (Medik.) Gren et Godr. into the section Lathyrus. The independence of spp. Lathyrus clymenum L. and L. articulatus L. has been proved. The closeness of oroboid species Vicia unijuga A. Br. with both Vicia and Lathyrus has been revealed.

Key words:Lathyrus, Pisum, Vicia,Lens, ISSR markers.

Burlyaeva M. O., Seferova I. V., Buravtseva T. V., Bulyntsev S. V.,  Aleksandrova T. G., Vishnyakova M. A. THE INCREASE OF GENETIC DIVERSITY OF WILD GRAIN LEGUME RELATIVES IN THE VIR COLLECTIONS AS A RESULT OF COLLECTING ACTIVITIES IN 2008-2012. Proceedings on applied botany, genetics and breeding. Vol. 175. I. 3. 2014. рр. 119–141.

The article presents the results of 14 expeditions that collected the crop genetic diversity of grain legumes in the Russian Federation, Armenia, Georgia and China in 2008-2013. These collecting missions added 544 seed accessions of 62 species to the collection of the department. The collected 25 species of Vicia L. and Lathyrus L. genera had been absent and entered the collection for the first time. Many of them are endemics and tertiary relicts, and occur very rarely in natural environments. A few collected species are listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and regional Red Lists. The species Vavilovia formosa (Stev.) Fed., Cicer minutum Boiss. et Hohen., Vicia macrantha Jurtz. and V. ohwiana Hokokama were found in new habitats.

Key words: expedition, Cicer, Phaseolus, Glycine, Lathyrus, Lupinus, Pisum, Vavilovia formosa, Vicia, Vigna.