Всероссийский Институт Растениеводства им. Н.И. Вавилова

ГНУ Всероссийский Научно-Исследовательский Институт им. Н.И. Вавилова Российской академии сельскохозяйственных наук

1973 Country: Czechoslovakia
Participants: East Germany and Czechoslovakia
Collected germplasm: cereal crops
1976 Country: Poland
Participants: East Germany and Poland
Collected germplasm: 140 accessions of various agricultural crops
1977 Country: Czechoslovakia
Participants: East Germany and Czechoslovakia
Collected germplasm: 312 accessions of various crops

Country: USSR (Georgia)
Participants: East Germany and USSR
Collected germplasm: 50 accessions of various crops

Country: Bulgaria
Participants: Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria
Collected germplasm: cereal crops

1978 Country: Poland
Participants: East Germany and Poland
Collected germplasm: 219 accessions of cereal and leguminous crops

Country: Czechoslovakia
Participants: Czechoslovakia and USSR
Collected germplasm: 1,500 accessions of local varieties of cereal and forage crops and wild species

1980 Country: East Germany
Participants: East Germany and Poland
Collected germplasm: 326 accessions of forage grasses and other crops

Country: Poland
Participants: Poland and USSR
Collected germplasm: 74 accessions of local varieties of cereals and wild forage plants.

1981 Country: Czechoslovakia
Participants: East Germany and Czechoslovakia
Collected germplasm: 594 accessions of various agricultural crops

Country: USSR (Krasnodar and Stavropol Reg., North Ossetia, Daghestan, Azerbaijan and Georgia)
Participants: USSR and Poland
Collected germplasm: 350 accessions of local varieties of cereal, leguminous and forage crops

1984 Country: Poland
Participants: East Germany and Poland
Collected germplasm: 78 accessions of various crops
1985 Country: Mongolia
Participants: East Germany and Mongolia
Collected germplasm: 20 accessions of various crops
1986 Country: Bulgaria
Participants: Bulgaria and Hungary
Collected germplasm: 233 accessions of cereal and fruit crops

Country: USSR (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan)
Participants: USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland
Collected germplasm: 260 accessions of Aegilopsspp., Triticum spp., Hordeum spp., leguminous, vegetable and forage crops

1987 Country: Mongolia
Participants: East Germany and Mongolia
Collected germplasm: 13 accessions of various crops
  Country: Poland
Participants: Poland, Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria
Collected germplasm: 150 accessions of grain legumes, forage plants and vegetables
  Country: Czechoslovakia
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary
Collected germplasm: 140 accessions of forage crops and wild relatives
1988 Country: USSR (Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kirghizia and Kazakhstan)
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Poland, East Germany and USSR
Collected germplasm: 105 accessions of vegetables, including onion (42) and garlic (18)
  Country: Bulgaria
Participants: Czechoslovakia and Bulgaria
Collected germplasm: 73 accessions, including 54 of wild Triticum spp. andAegilops spp.
  Country: East Germany
Participants: East Germany and Czechoslovakia
Collected germplasm: 22 accessions of grasses
1989 Country: Bulgaria
Participants: Bulgaria, USSR and Poland
Collected germplasm: 125 accessions, including Aegilops spp.
  Country: USSR (Azerbaijan and Armenia)
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, USSR and Poland
Collected germplasm: 200 accessions of forage grasses and cereals (a lot of Aegilopsspp. accessions)
  Country: Poland
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and USSR
Collected germplasm: 140 accessions of cereal, leguminous and oil crops
1990 Country: Poland
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and USSR
Collected germplasm: 57 accessions of leguminous and forage crops
  Country: USSR (Altai Mt. and Western Siberia)
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Poland and USSR
Collected germplasm: 112 accessions ofAllium spp.
  Country: USSR (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria and USSR
Collected germplasm: 185 accessions of cultivated and wild forage crops and 300 herbarium specimens
  Country: Mongolia
Participants: Czechoslovakia, Mongolia, Bulgaria and USSR
Collected germplasm: 200 accessions of forage crops and cereals (wheat), and 237 herbarium specimens
  Country: Poland
Participants: Poland and Czechoslovakia
Collected germplasm: 36 accessions of forage grasses

Joint collecting missions of COMECON countries (1973-1990)