S. Ě. Bukasov. Potatoes of South America and their breeding use, Leningrad, 1933, p. 92.
Diagnosis: Identic to the cultivar Up to date. Displacement of anthers, "oblique column", is expressed already in the flower bud, later anther displacement reaches 2-3 mm, consequently this cultivar has the strongest displacement. Papillae 35-65 micr. S-curve of the style is very strong.
Similarity with Garnet Chili: long and thick stamen filaments (by Up to date they are sometimes slightly thicker – 1150 – 1320 micr., i.e. almost up to 1,5 mm), thick, 720 – 950 micr., style is of the same length as by G. Chili, size of ovary 2 – 3 sinus.
Distinctions from Garnet Chili: anthers are smaller, conic column, in old flowers it is totally distorted.
Similarity with Hebron: thickness of filaments, type of anthers column and the degree of its displacement (by Hebron 2 mm). Distinctions from Hebron: style is thicker (Hebron 700 micr., Up to date 720 - 950 micr.).
Similarity with chilotanum: pubescence, strongly extended upper part of the pedicel, small anthers.
Distinctions from chilotanum: filaments and style are thicker (by chilotanum: filaments are 800-930 micr., style 500-640 micr. avg. ) and conic, the column is not cylindric and strongly displaced. Corolla is strongly ribbed with wide lobules.
Distinctions from S. andigenum: thick styles, by andigenum at the average no more than 640 micr. Thicker stamen filaments than by the most S. andigenum, in particularly clearly thicker than by bolivean and south peruvian group of S. andigenum, where only some exceptions reach the lower limit of thickness, known for Up to date, i.e. 1150 micr. 1).
For the rest of the flower characters (corolla size, black star, form of pedicel, pubescence), selection cultivars are clearly distinctive from the group S. andigenum, which has thicker anther filaments, from central-peruvian and colombian forms, by which filaments reach an average thickness of 1370 microns (but not up to 1500 micr., like by the chilean, or 1780 micr., like by selection cultivars).
This is why hereinafter for comparison with Up to date a representative of precisely south-peruvian group is taken, which is closer by general look and color of the flower, var. ckello-huaccoto.
Distinctions from S. andigenum v. ckello-huaccoto: axes of an inflorescence form a more acute angle and pedicels are straighter, and not inclined. Pedicels are thicker.
The upper part of the pedicel is thicker (good discinction), calyx is not sharply abjointed. Pubescence is longer. Calyx and mucronules are bigger. Corolla is strongly ribbed.
Filaments are thicker (by ckello 940-1050 micr.). Anthers by ckello are perfect, wider, with a clearly defined vallecula. Style by ckello is straight, slim (400-470 micr.).
Chiloan accessions are identic to this custivars, as stated by O.A. Voskresenskaya, united by Lechbovich under the name Palmeta, Juz. 1991 (Mantequilla), 2036, 1958 (Allemana macho).
They have an average thickness of anther filaments 1100-1200 micr. (indid. Vary from 1000 to1370 micr.), styles 800-850 micr. Papillae length 42-70 micr.
Grown in Santiago, Puerto Montt, Ancud, Castro, Yutuy.
1) Small thickness by a number of chilian and selection cultivars may be connected with flower degeneration by presence of its other characters, e.g. underdeveloped anthers or corolla acumens. |