S. tuberosum L. var. elegans Buk. et Lechn.


S.Ì. Bukasov. Potatoes of South America and their breeding use, Leningrad, 1933, p. 85

Diagnosis: Very strong plants, decumbent stem, with powerful axillary stems. Caulles are medium-coloured.
Leaves of the main stem are very long, the length is about 30 ñm, with very large leaflets and primary leaflets. Formula 5/2-6/3, II-series 6+2+2 acroscopic, not big. Leaflets are sometimes acroscopic unequal-sided.
Flowering is sometimes triple, i.e. there are three tiers of blossom clusters on one stem.
Pedicel below articulation is 20-30 mm. long, above articulation average length is up to 8-9 mm, articulation is coloured, situated in the upper one-third, sometimes in the middle of pedicel and seldom below, pubescence is staring, short, sparse.
Calyx bottom is without prominent nervation, typical bell-shaped. Calyx is medium-sized, indide 7-8 mm long (on blossom clusters of the II tire), symmetric, acumens are appressed or deflexed, short, from one-fourth until almost half of length of the calyx, pubescence in the flower bud is longer, than on the pedicel (as usually).
Corolla is light-purple with a dark star and large white tips on the top and a white star at the bottom, with small and medium-long narrow lobes without ribs on juncture and with middle-sized acumens. Radius is 20 mm, width of lobes 17,5 mm, length 8 mm, acumen 4 mm.
Anthers are small, less than 6 - 6,5 mm long, with a heart-shaped vallecula, normal, in a conical column, but with straight thick filaments 1000-1120 microns thick and up to 1200 micr. as by Pachacona and Up to date, 2,5 mm. long, 2,5 mm. from the edge. Filaments are yellow.
The style is thin, 500 micr., long, the length reaches up to 12 mm, stigma is not big, slightly thicker than the style, flattened, with heart-shaped lobes, bifurcated at the top, the interlobular sinus is big. Papillae 70-75 micr. The ovary is conical. Berries are very seldom.
Grown on the Chiloe island, in Yutuy and Quetalmahue.
Juzepczuk ¹ 2006 named Tempranera, ¹ 1993, 1989, 2026, titled Guapa, which means in Spanish "elegant", from which the name of the variety originates.