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Vavilov N.I. 1930. Science and technique under conditions of a socialist reconstraction of agriculture. International conference of agriculture economists, Ithaca, New York, p.1-14. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1931a. The Linnean species as a system. Report of rpoceedings of V International Botanical Congress, Cambridge, 1930, p.213-216. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1931b. Wild progenitors of the fruit trees of Turkistan and the Caucasus and the problen of the origin of fruit trees. Proceeding of IX International Horticultural Congress, London, 1930, p.217-286. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1931c. The problem concerning the origin of agriculture in the light of recent research. International congress of the history of science and technology, London, p.95-106. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1931d. Rol Tzentralnoi Azii v proiskhozhdenii kulturnykh rastenii. (The role of Central Asia in the origin of cultivated plants). Works of Applied Botany, Genetic and Plant Breeding. v.26, (3), p.3-44. (russ., engl.).

Vavilov N.I. 1931e. Meksika i Tzentralnaya Amerika kak osnovnoi tzentr proiskhozhdeniya kulturnykh rastenii Novogo Sveta. (Mexico and Central America as a basic center of origin of cultivated plants in the New World). Works of Applied Botany, Genetic and Plant Breeding. v.26, (3), p.135-199. (russ., engl.).

Vavilov N.I. 1932. The process of evolution in cultivated plants. Proc. 6th International Congress of Genetics. Ithaca, N.Y., v.1, p.331-342. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1933a. L'agriculture et la science agronomique en URSS., t.13, N.140, p.241- 251.

Vavilov N.I. 1933b. Das Problem der Entstehung der Kulturpflanzen. Nova Acta Leopoldina carol., N.F., Bd.1, H.2-3, S.332-337.

Vavilov N.I. 1939. Genetics in the USSR. Chronica Botanica. v.5, no.1, p.14-15. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1940. The new systematic of cultivated plants. In: The New Systematics. ed. by J.Huxley. Clareon Press, Oxford, p.549-566. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1941. Entering a new epoch. Chronica Botanica. v.6, no.19/20, p.433-437. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1951. The origin, variation, immunity and breeding of cultivated plants. Trans. by K.S.Chester. Ronald Press, N.Y., 366 p. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1957a. Mirovye resursy sortov khlebnykh zlakov, zernovykh bobovykh, l'na i ikh ispolzovanie v selektzii. Opyt agroekologicheskogo obozreniya vazhneishikh polevykh kultur. (World resources of cereals, leguminous seed crops and flax, and their utilization in plant breeding. Agroecological survey of the principal field crops). USSR Academy of Science press, M.-L., 462 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1957b. Gornoe zemledelie Severnogo Kavkaza i perspektivy ego razvitiya. (Mountainos agriculture of the North Caucasus and prospects of its development). Herald of the Russian Academy of Science. Biology. no.5, p.590-600. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1959. Izbrannye trudy. Zemledelcheskii Afganistan. (Selected works. (Agricultural Afghanistan). v.1. USSR Academy of science press, M.-L., 416 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1960. Izbrannye trudy. Problemy selektzii, rol Evrazii i Novogo Sveta v proiskhozhdenii kulturnykh rastenii. (Selected works. The problems of breeding, the role of EurAsia and New World in origin of cultivated plants). v.2. USSR Academy of science press, M.-L., 520 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1962. Izbrannye trudy. Problemy geografii, filogenii i selektzii pshenitzy i pzhi. Rastitelnye resursy i voprosy sistematiki kulturnykh rastenii. (Selected works. (The problems of geography, taxonomy and breeding of wheat and rye. Plant resources and problems taxonomy of cultivated plants). v.3. USSR Academy of science press, M.-L., 532 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1964a. Izbrannye trudy (Selected works). v.4, Problemy immuniteta kulturnykh rastenii. (The problems of immunity of cultivated plants). USSR Academy of science press, M.-L., 518 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1964b. Mirovye resursy sortov khlebnykh zlakov, zernovykh bobovykh, l'na i ikh ispolzovanie v selektzii. Pshenitza. (World resources of cereals, leguminous seed crops and flax, and their utilization in plant breeding. Wheats). Nauka press, M.-L., 122 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1965. Izbrannye trudy. Problemy proiskhozhdeniya, geografii, genetiki, selektzii rastenii, rastenievodstva i agronomii. (Selected works. The probles of origin, geography, genetic, breeding of plants, plant idustry and agronomy). v.5. USSR Academy of science press, M.-L., 788 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1980. Nauchnoe nasledstvo (Scientific inheritance). v.5. Vavilov's letters 1911-1928, Nauka press, Moscow, 428 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1987a. Nauchnoe nasledstvo (Scientific inheritance). v.10. Vavilov's letters 1929-1940, Nauka press, Moscow, 494 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1987b. Pyat kontinentov (Five continents). Nauka press, Moscow. 171 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1987c. Ocherki, materialy, dokumenty. (Issues, materials, documents). Nauka press, Moscow, 487 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1990. "Zhizn korotka, nado speshit". ("Life is short, so we must hurry"). Moscow, 704 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1992. Origin and Geography of Cultivated Plants. Trans. by Doris Love. Cambrige University Press, 498 p. (ENG).

Vavilov N.I. 1994. Nauchnoe nasledie v pismakh. Mezhdunarodnaya perepiska. (Scientific heritage in letters. International correspondence). 1921-1927, v.I. Nauka press, Moscow, 556 p. (RUS).

Vavilov N.I. 1997. Five continents. Trans. by Doris Love. IPGRI/VIR, Italy, Rome, 198 p. (ENG).

Vitkovsky V.L. 1984. Morfogenez plodovykh rastenii. (Morphogenesis of fruit plants). Kolos, L., 206 p. (RUS).

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Zhukovsky P.M. 1964. Kulturnye rasteniya i ikh sorodichi. (Cultivated plants and their relatives). Kolos, L., 791 p. (RUS).

Zhukovsky P.M. 1967. Image of N.I.Vavilov. In a book: N.I.Vavilov. Izbrannye trudy (Selected works). v.2, Nauka press, Leningrad, p.439-453. (RUS).

Zhukovsky P.M. 1970. Mirovoi genofond rastenii dlya selektzii (megatzentry i mikrotzentry). (World-wide genebank of plants for plant breeding (mega-centers and micro-centers). Nauka press, L., 88 p. (RUS)

Zeven A.C., Zhukovsky P.M. 1975. Dictionary of cultivated plants and their centres of diversity. Pudoc. Centre for agricultural publishing and documentation. (ENG)

Zoteeva N.M., Komarova T.A. 1996. Informatzia ob ekspediztiyakh VIR, provedennykh na territorii Rossii, stran blizhnego i dalnego zarubezh'ya v 1986-1994 gg. (Information of expeditions VIR within Russia, CIS and foreign countries in 1986-1994). N 682. S-Peterburg. 66 p. (RUS).