Identification of Varieties and Registration of the Genofond of Cultivated Plants by Seed Proteins |
Konarev V.G., Gavriljuk I.P., Gubareva N.K., at all
The book is devoted to the methods of varietal identification and documentation of the genofond of cultivated plants by electrophoresis of seed proteins. These methods were worked out and approved in VIR. The principles of protein markers which constitute the basis of the methods are described. The book also provides information about using them in evaluation of genofond, in breeding, seed production and seed control.
The book is meant for biochemists, botanists-experts in plant resources, breeders and seed producers. It can also be useful for post-graduates and students.
Illustration - 30, tables - 29, bibliography - 78 names.
Chapter 1. Protein Markers in Varietal Identification and Registration of the Genofond of Cultivated Plants (V.G.Konarev)
Chapter 2. Varietal Identification of Cereals
- Wheat and its relatives
- Identification of wheat and barley varieties by electrophoresis of prolamins in vertical plates of 6,5% PAAG (I.P.Gavriljuk, N.V.Gaidenkova, N.K.Gubareva, A.G.Khakimova, N.E.Pavlova, L.E.Shchipkova
- Standard arbitration method of ISTA for identification of wheat and barley varieties by electrophoresis in PAAG
- Identification and evaluation of wheat varieties by subunits of glutenin (N.V.Alpatjeva, N.K.Gubareva, M.V.Novikova, N.E.Pavlova, L.E.Shchipkova)
- Analysis and registration of rye varieties and lines by secalin (T.I.Peneva, N.M.Martynenko)
- Differentiation of wheat varieties and affined cereals by inhibitors of hydrolases (Al.V.Konarev)
- Identification and registration of cockÒs-foot, fescue and rye-grass varieties by prolamins (A.V.Konarev, I.O.Vvedenskaya, E.A.Nasonova, I.N.Perchuk)
- Identification of varieties, fatuoides and hybrids between cultivated and wild oats by electrophoresis of avenin (N.K.Gubareva, N.E.Pavlova, N.A.Rodionova, V.N.Soldatov)
- Identification, analysis and registration of maize varieties, lines and hybrids by electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing of zein (V.V.Sidorova, G.V.Matveeva, G.I.Timofeeva)
- Identification and registration of rice varieties by alcohol-soluble proteins of caryopsis (D.I.Ivanova)
Chapter 3. Varietal Identification and Registration of the Genofond of Dicotyledonous Plants
- Identification and registration of legume varieties by electrophoresis of spare proteins (A.M.Tarlakovskaya, I.P.Gavriljuk, E.E.Eggi, Zh.I.Belyaeva)
- Identification of sunflower varieties, lines and hybrids by geliantinin (I.N.Anisimova)
- Identification of breeding material of sugar beet by 11S seed globulins (L.A.Lesnevich, V.A.Borisjuk, I.P.Gavriljuk)
- Identification, analysis and registration of varieties, lines and hybrids of cole by electrophoresis of spare proteins and ferments (S.P.Farber, N.V.Kudryakova)
- Identification of potato varieties by tuber protein
Chapter 4. Electrophoresis of Proteins as one of the Methods of Protein Markers in Variety Testing and Seed Growing
- Recommendations concerning the use of protein markers in variety testing, seed production and seed control (I.P.Gavriljuk, M.A.Fedin, N.K.Gubareva, P.P.Demkin, T.A.Mikshun, T.I.Peneva, A.V.Konarev, A.G.Khakimova, V.V.Sidorova, E.E.Eggi, I.N.Anisi-mova, A.M.Tarlakovskaya)
- Electrophoresis of proteins in primary seed production of cereal crops (M.I.Litovchenko, N.K.Gubareva, I.P.Gavriljuk, I.S.Shit, R.D.Eremina, S.A.Kuznetsova, A.A.Egorova)
Referenses Addition:
Catalogues of varietal protein formulae, methodical instructions and recommendations for using protein markers in breeding, seed production and seed testing
By article: |
Ed. by Acad. of RAAS V.G. Konarev: Identification of Varieties and Registration of the Genofond of Cultivated Plants by Seed Proteins
- St.Petersburg: VIR, 2000. 186 p.
Identification of Varieties and Registration of... |